Sunday, 30 November 2014

Wavefarer Collection -all the sliding ladies x salty dog

Finding a loyal friend is as hard as finding a tear drop in the ocean! If you have them, cherish them!

Sometimes its feels even harder to find a girlfriend that surfs! So this one is in appreciation of all you sliding ladies and a special thanks to you Liss for letting me join in on your journey with Sunnie.

A joyful surf at Tea Tree inspired 'all the sliding ladies' & 'salty dog' for our salty men. 

  Sliding ladies: Celeste Twikler & Liss Lane
 Boards: Joel Fitzgerald  
Surf suits: Billabong surf capsule The Seea 

Tuesday, 25 November 2014

Wavefarer collection- live simply x take me to the sea

Who needs a mansion by the sea? Not me!

 Being able to pull Sunnie the vintage caravan up any place we choose had its perks!
Working and living by the sea was as easy as it sounds and looks, inspiring the 'live simply' & 'take me to the sea' pendant.

Stay tuned for more updates on my journey with life in the slow lane 

Thursday, 20 November 2014

Wavefarer Collection- byron bay x locals only x wategos, pass, tallows.

I have some very exciting news, Celeste Twikler is getting a new Head quarters! 

While this is very cool, it did pose one problem... I was left with no studio to create my summer range while the renovations were in action. 

This is where Sunnie comes in. Sunnie is a 55 year old vintage caravan that has travelled around Australia and is affectionately known as 'Life in the slow lane' on instagram.    

The owner of Sunnie is Liss, a kindred spirit, a woman that is willing to risk it all for the sake of living a life of creativity, freedom & simplicity. 

Liss suggested that we take Sunny for a spin up the coast to live and work on the road, my arm didn't need twisting. 

So with the great Australian surf safari in mind we took off in the cutest vintage caravan that has ever graced the M1 Hwy and started our journey to travel in search of fun waves and to create my summer range. Taking inspiration from places that we stumbled upon on the way is how the 'Wavefarer' collection was born. 

Where the journey began} 

Seeing as we had no plan and didn't know where we would find surf next, we decided to start with a surf at our local in Byron Bay to invigorate us before we jumped in the car. It was small and clean and why not start with the place we love the best. 

On the road and armed with a quiver of Joel Fitzgerald boards, we busted straight through Brisvegas and headed for Noosa to settle for the night.

Waking up at the crack of dawn the waves were non existent so we started brain storming on what mischief we could get up to. Thats when we decided to jump on a jet ski and head for a secluded beach for some tow in fun. Bingo! The Aussie Surf trip had started. 

We had a morning of shakka's, smiles and shories, the only sour note was a flat battery on the camera that failed to capture Liss and her impressive cut back and my stack after jinxing my self saying 'just one more". 

The first pendant was made in homage to all our favourite home breaks,'Wategos, Pass, Tallows' , then 'locals only' (although I am not a fan of localism attitude, like any good Aussie I like taking the piss) and the third word of the day was 'Byron Bay' cause really.. who doesn't love Byron ? 

The day ended with a B.B.Q on the river and tucked in tight to catch the early.